

Freitag, 18. Oktober 2013


When I imagine myself as an old woman at the end of my life and ask myself how I will evaluate my time here, there is only one question that concerns me: Did I love well? 
There are a thousand ways to love other people and the world – with our touch, our words, our silences, our work, our presence. I want to love well. This is my hunger. I want to make love to the world by the way I live in it, by the way I am with myself every day.​ ​

(Oriah Mountain Dreamer)

Mein Fenster zur Welt

Was bleibt draussen
was dringt ein
hängt sich hinter die Stirn
nistet in Nächten
wärmt den Tag
legt sich als Träne
auf die Scheibe
was bleibt draussen
was dringt ein
was verdunkelt die Sicht
was erhellt meine Welt

(Annemarie Schnitt)